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The Santiam Canyon Community Chorus is preparing for their winter Holiday season.  The show, "A Glorious Season", which includes a variety of holiday favorites, will be presented on December 5th at the Historical Society meeting at 7 p.m and on Decemberr 8th at 2 p.m.  Both performances will be held at Stewart's Hall in Mill City.  The chorus has been singing for over 20 years, and we welcome all singers to join us.  Reading music is not a prerequisite, as we teach all the music at the rehearsals on Mondays from 7-8:30 p.m. in Stewart's Hall.  It is not too late to join us, as we have various methods to help the singers learn their music, so come enjoy a wonderful group that has become a family to its members.  If this is an activity you've always wanted to try, now is your chance.  JoAnn Hebing 503-508-7775

Santiam Canyon Community Chorus (SCCC)

The SCCC was established in 2004 by a local volunteer, JoAnn Hebing.  JoAnn is a trained choral director who started her career as a music teacher and church organist in 1959.  In addition, she directed a Sweet Adeline chorus, sang in several quartets and began learning to play the cello after retiring from the Mill City Presbyterian Church.  She started volunteering in the schools as a teacher and accompanist in 1999.

The SCCC  meets once a week at 158 SW Broadway Mill City, OR 97360, on  Mondaye evenings from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m.  This building is our new arts center. Occasionally we have extra or extended rehearsals beginning at 6:00 p.m. in preparation for performances. All are welcome who love to sing, good balance in our chorus of soprano, alto, tenor, bass--usually 24-30 singers. 

We perform during the Christmas holidays for the Historical Society, Marion Estates, the Oregon Capitol, Christmas Tree Lighting celebrations and other community events.  In the spring we typically present a series of concerts on Peace, Love and Tolerance for Santiam schools and the local community.  

The Chorus welcomes new members who can carry a tune.  You don’t have to read music and it is non-audition. 

Jo Ann Hebing - Chorus Manager - at 503-859-2502 or by email at: 
We need a director. If interested please contact Jo Ann.


The SCCC meets once a week at Stewarts Hall, 158 SW Broadway Mill City, OR 97360 Oregon on Monday evenings from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m.  

Occasionally we have extra or extended rehearsals beginning at 6:00 p.m. in preparation for performances. 

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During the school year, we typically present a series of concerts on Peace, Love and Tolerance for Santiam schools and the local community. Check our community calendar for updates. 

The Chorus welcomes new members who can carry a tune.  You don’t have to read music and it is non-audition. 

Director, Accompanist, Chorus Council

Director, Accompanist, Chorus Council

Director:  ISO 

Accompanist: ISO

Chorus Council:

JoAnn Hebing, Manager

Debbie Loftin, Music Librarian

Sherri Cardwell, Board Liaison

Margaret Harris, Counselor 

Jessie Thummel Counselor 

Rick Stepper Counselor 

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